Innovative Dialogue for Economic Advancement (IDEA) is a secure communication forum developed by a small business owner.
Innovative Dialogue for Economic Advancement (IDEA) is a communication forum developed by a small business owner to foster collaborative solutions for regulatory reform, especially on the local level, for the benefit of all small business owners in Greenville and Anderson counties. IDEA is run by volunteer business owners and accepts NO grant money or governmental funding. We are NOT a lobbying firm. It is not our mission to lobby for particular business sectors or individual interests. We believe this collaborative, non-confrontational approach minimizes conflict and maximizes effectiveness.
Innovative Dialogue for Economic Advancement (IDEA) is a secure communication forum developed by a small business owner.
We work as a liaison between Mom and Pop Alliance members and regulatory agencies. Our goal is to foster collaborative solutions for regulatory reform, especially on the local level, for the benefit of all small business owners in South Carolina. IDEA is run by volunteer business owners and accepts NO grant money or governmental funding. It is not our mission to lobby for particular business sectors or individual interests. We believe in a collaborative approach with small business owners and regulatory agencies working TOGETHER to seek common sense regulations for the good of the consumer and the community as a whole.
Our goal is to foster collaborative solutions for regulatory reform, especially on the local level, for the benefit of all small business owners in Greenville and Anderson counties. IDEA is run by volunteer business owners and accepts NO grant money or governmental funding. It is not our mission to lobby for particular business sectors or individual interests. We believe this collaborative, non-confrontational approach minimizes conflict and maximizes effectiveness.
Navigating the increasingly complex rules and regulations from local/state governmental agencies can create barriers burdensome to small business owners with limited time and resources. At IDEA we strive to facilitate communication between small businesses and the agencies that regulate them, by exploring common sense solutions to cut red tape while maintaining consumer safety. While it’s NOT our purpose to do the legwork of the permitting process or other paperwork regarding governmental regulations, we DO want to hear and explore ideas of how to make the regulatory and permitting processes better, easier, and more user-friendly, with the goal of advocating on behalf of ALL small businesses to improve these processes.
We believe that fostering communication between small business owners and local governments will not only benefit the businesses but also the community as a whole by enhancing economic growth for all. For example, just streamlining the Certificate of Occupancy process for small business owners would . . .
When it comes to running a small business, state and local governments have a tremendous effect on the process and the experience. Input from business owners would be an important counter-balance toward fostering a healthy economic climate, but regrettably this is often lacking. We believe small business owners can provide unique insight regarding the impact regulations have on their time and resources. This forum is designed to be an “IDEA BANK” to securely and confidentially collect feedback from business owners and to share potentially viable ideas with relevant local and state agencies. It is designed to give “Mom & Pop” and other small businesses a voice while maintaining their privacy and anonymity.
We have worked hard to make this great theme which has infinite possibilities, the possibility to customize everything, a lot of style options.